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INSTALLATION Prerequisites The following perl modules are required to run Common Cents. The easiest way to install them is through
CPAN. As the root user on the machine you are installing Common Cents on, type the following
command to install through CPAN: Required Modules: (Note about GD::Graph. It was the hardest module to install and in some cases I wasn't able to get it to install on certain versions of Redhat. Make sure that you have version 2 or greater of gd (type rpm -qa | grep gd to find out). You will also need gd-devel, freetype-devel, libpng-devel, and libjpeg-devel to successfully install GD::Graph module. If you are running apt, the easiest way to get the development libraries is by typing the following command: apt-get install [rpm file] where "rpm file" is either "gd-devel", "freetype-devel", "libpng-devel", or "libjpeg-devel". When installing the module, you are asked if you want various types of support. The last time I tried to install GD::Graph, I couldn't successfully get XPM support to be included. It is not needed for Common Cents graphs and so you can indicate "No" without loosing any functionality) Setting up the Database Common Cents was written to run on MySQL. Before configuring your scripts, you need to have a new empty database setup as well as a user with access to the new database. If you are using phpMyAdmin, the easiest way to do this is to create a new database (call it ccweb) from the main page of your server. Then click on the privileges link. Create a new user (call it ccuser). Make sure to make the host local (this is assuming that the database will be on the same server the application is running on. If not, then provide a hostname or set to "%" for any host). Leave all the global rights unchecked. Then go ahead and create the user. Once the user is created, return to privileges and grant all rights to the new ccweb database. Installing the Scripts
Apache Considerations In order to run Common Cents in the default configuration, you will need to ensure that the following Apache settings
are turned on or set correctly in the httpd.conf file (you will need to be root user to update this file). Check to see that the
following values are set: If you ended up having to make any changes to the apache configuration, make sure to restart httpd before you attempt to run any scripts Admin Login, Master Accounts and User Setup Once the database is setup and the config.pm script is modified, you are ready to login to the system. Set your browser address to the base_url defined in the config.pm file. You can create a shortcut or set a bookmark to remember this. This will always be your starting point. You should be taken to a login page. Login as user admin with a default password of master. The admin user is the only user with access to maintain master account definition records and setup new users. If you click on the Utilities tab, you will see these options along with other normal user options as well. Common Cents comes with a default set of master account records pre-installed. This is to give you an idea of how accounts are setup. In Accounting 101, you learn that there are 5 types of accounts. Assets, Liabilities, Capital, Income, and Expense accounts. They generally are listed in that order with each type using a specific number series. Asset accounts generally start with 1, Liability accounts start with 2, Capital 3, Income 4, and Expense 5 or greater. The master list of accounts is global for all users on the system, however, not every user has to use all defined accounts in their own ledger. One other feature is that account numbers can be changed later on without effecting transactions or balances. The account number in reality is the same as the account description. The account definition records are actually indexed and related on an internal key value that doesn't mean anything to the normal user. This means that an administrator can change or renumber accounts for all users on the system without effecting balances or transactions already on the system for those users. Users are setup by an administrator in the User Maintenance module. The admin user can setup new users, reset the password of any user, unlock a locked account, and assign modules to users in user maintenance. When a new user is added, that user is assigned the Common Cents module by default (which cannot be removed from any user). Additional modules such as "Invoice Cents" and "Music Cents" can be added to a user's profile so that user will be able to access that module when logged into "Common Cents". |
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